New Motion Evolution program for children

Every once in awhile a new product or service comes along for the location-based entertainment and FEC industry that we think has real merits. One of our colleagues, Frank Sahlein, who specializes in the children’s activity center industry, has developed a class-based program for children ages 1 to 12 called Motion Evolution that integrates physical literacy, nutrition education, brain-body science, and play. The integrated curriculum includes physical, mental and nutritional components to create a well-rounded approach for children’s lifetime fitness and wellness. The program can be a perfect additional source of revenue to all types of family and children’s entertainment centers, children’s and youth sports facilities, health clubs and children’s enrichment and activity centers.

Motion Evolution works as a license with exclusivity for a geographic area of the licensee’s choosing. Best of all it is very affordable, starting at only $99 per month. The program was launched in April of this year and already has over 100 licenses in the USA, Canada and Costa Rica.

To learn more, visit Motion Evolution’s website.