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Category Archives: Theme Park
Comfort levels going to public places creeping up
Since lows in August, comfort levels going to different out-of-home public activities is now creeping up Continue reading
Consumers’ comfort visiting leisure activities falls with Covid-19 infection surge
Consumers’ comfort levels visiting leisure and entertainment activities has declined with the Covid-19 infection surge. Continue reading
When, if ever, will location-based entertainment become profitable again?
There are a number of factors that will determine when LBEs will be profitable again including the share of the population at high risk of Covid-19. Here’s the latest data and predictions. Continue reading
The economics of operating location-based entertainment in corona-time
As stay-in-place orders are lifted, reopening LBEs will face financial challenges. Continue reading
Who’s ready to return to out-of-home entertainment and cultural experiences?
Now that states are starting to allow businesses to open and the lockdown is winding down, will people return to out-of-home (OOH) entertainment and cultural experiences? Our company has access to a large number of national U.S. polls with very current data. So, I dug into the data of some of them to see what people are saying. Continue reading
The inconvenient truth – almost all location-based entertainment business models are now obsolete
Our company prides itself in using research to identify trends and guide our clients to future-proof their location-based entertainment centers (LBEs), which includes the categories of family entertainment centers (FECs), social eatertainment venues and agritainment/agritourism farms. As they say in … Continue reading
The post-pandemic future of America’s location-based entertainment
The coronavirus is likely to devastate large portions of the location-based entertainment industry. Businesses that survive should expect a less-saturated market with a changed consumer base and market size. Continue reading
More Proof that High Fidelity is the Winning Formula
Despite a shrinking market for entertainment on trips and vacations, The Magic Kingdom . . . raised their admission price 44% faster than inflation. . . In today’s increasingly competitive entertainment marketplace, High Fidelity plays an important role in the formula for success. Continue reading
Amusement park goers are young, affluent & checking Twitter
Read about the results from Scarborough’s survey of amusement park goers, how they are young, affluent, social media savvy and more likely to be non-white. Continue reading
Fast food restaurant delivers food on a roller coaster
Restaurant in Europe takes fast food to the next level by delivering in on a roller coaster. Continue reading