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Tag Archives: venues

The digital death of boredom and its implications for LBEs

Boredom used to be location-based entertainment’s friend. That has changed today. . . Continue reading

Smartphones are making TV tougher competition than ever

Now we have the synergistic combination of two digital screens merging to become more powerful and attractive than either alone. Disruptive digital at-home entertainment competition continues to ramp up its game. Continue reading

No need to socialize, as that’s what smartphones are for

It is becoming increasing clear that digital technology is shifting our social interaction with each other from taking place in the real world to taking place in the digital world and consequently . . . Continue reading

More Evidence of the Digital Disruption of Location-Based Entertainment & Culture

So here’s what is so scary for location-based entertainment, sporting events and cultural venues, the vast majority of which are seeing a long-term trend of declining attendance. The use of mobile devices that can be used anywhere 24/7 continues to grow, and the majority of that growing screen time is being used to engage in entertainment . . . Continue reading

Video Games Taking Share from Out-of-Town Entertainment Spending

Analysis shows a definite trend of entertainment spending shifting from out-of-home entertainment venues to video games and software. Continue reading

Software is eating the bricks-and-mortar world, including entertainment venues

The value chain of many industries, including location-based entertainment, is being eaten by software and the digital world. Continue reading