Selecting Interior Color

The following information is provided by our interior designer, Amy Nichols, on how to select color for the interior environment. Amy has been designing children’s facilities with White Hutchinson for about fifteen years.

Color can have a powerful effect on your facility. Color can influence behavior, mood and ability to learn. It is important to hire a professional with knowledge of color trends and color psychology to select the color scheme for the facility. Color can also aid in orientation and room identification, especially in spaces where there are occupants that may not be able to read. Some criteria to consider when selecting color include:

  • Limit strong color to items that are easy to change and/or items that are changed out more frequently. Avoid using trendy colors in more permanent items such as tile.
  • Just because the facility is for children does not mean that you have to use primary colors. In fact, some primary colors should be used in very limited amounts such as red because it is a very stimulating color.
  • It is important to keep in mind the socioeconomic background of the people you are designing for. Different socioeconomic groups have very different color preferences. Also, the personal taste of the decision maker is not necessarily the appropriate choice for the end user.
  • There are also various geographic, regional and cultural responses to color. Some colors can have very different meanings to different cultures. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the local culture, particularly if the project is in a community other than your own.