The popularity of pizza

The U.S. Department of Agriculture not only deals with the production of food on farms, but also studies what we eat. Their most recent What We Eat in America report found that pizza is the most popular food with 13% of the U.S. population aged 2 years and over consuming pizza on any given day - that’s one out of every eight people.

Children and young adults aged 12-19 are the most frequent pizza-eating consumers. Over one-fifth (22%) ate pizza on any given day. And the boys and young men are the most frequent consumers at one-quarter (26%) having pizza on any given day. But of course, we already knew about the ravenous appetites that teenagers have.

Children 2-19 pizza eating occasions breakdown as 44% at lunch and another 42% at dinner. The remainder eats it as a snack (10%) or even for breakfast (4%), probably left over from the night before.